Tuesday 3 July 2012

Gammon Cheese and Onion Flan

Whilst I was digging through the freezer last night trying to think what to do for tonight's tea, I came across a lone 250g un-smoked gammon steak hiding at the back of the freezer, which I got for my wife when I went on a two week walk, so out it came, to defrost overnight. The good thing about this recipe is you can use whatever you have as the filling.

The finished Flan

Gammon Cheese and Onion Flan

Serves 4 people
Cost - approx £2.00


250g of Gammon
1 onion - thinly sliced
2 TSP of oil
250g of plain flour
125g of butter
Pinch of salt
approx 100 ML of Cold water
2 medium eggs
150 ml of milk
1 TSP of mustard powder
Salt and pepper
65g of grated Cheddar cheese

  • Trim and cut the meat into small cubes
  • In a frying pan add a little oil and heat gently, add the onions and allow to cook on a low heat for about 20 minutes or until very soft and translucent, stirring occasionally so they do not burn. Once cooked remove with a slotted spoon and set aside
  • Turn up the heat a little and add the meat to the frying pan, and cook the meat through until slightly browned. Once cooked remove with a slotted spoon and add the meat to the onions and mix
  • For the pastry, add the flour to a large bowl and add the butter and salt, and gently rub in until the butter and the flour look like fine breadcrumbs
  • Take a TBLSP and add one TBLSP of water one at a time, mix with a knife until the mixture comes together and you can form a ball of dough with your hand
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes
  • Grease a flan dish
  • To roll out the pastry, take a sheet of grease proof paper and lightly sprinkle with flour. Place the dough in the centre and flatten , sprinkle the top of the dough with a little flour and roll out, until it is large enough to line the base and sides of the flan dish. The benefit of the grease proof paper is that you should be able to pick up the paper with the pastry on it and turn it over, rather than trying to get it of the bench
  • After the flan dish is lined with the pastry pop it back in the fridge for 30 minutes, then trim the edges. Note - you could blind bake the pastry for a crispy base, but I like it unbaked
  • In a bowl whisk the eggs, milk, salt and pepper and mustard well
  • Take half the cheese, and sprinkle onto the base, then add the gammon and onions, pour in the whisked eggs and milk, and then sprinkle the rest of the cheese onto
  • Place in a pre-heated oven 220 Degree C, and bake for 40 minutes
  • Cool on a wire rack and enjoy !
The Gammon to be used in the flan

The diced gammon

    The Flour and butter mixed to resemble bread crumbs
    The formed short crust pastry dough
    The rolled out dough ready for lining the flan tin
    The lined and trimmed flan tin

    The finished Flan

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