Friday 2 November 2012

Chinese Crispy Beef

 It has been a while since I posted anything new in this blog, mainly because the household has been a bit busy. However, it is time to start cooking in earnest again. I spend a lot of time on the internet looking at recipes, every once in a while a recipe jumps out that is so simple and delicious that you just have to try it, and this was the case for Chinese Crispy Beef that I found. This is so simple and delicious.


4 TBLSP of Cornflour
1 TSP of Salt
1 TSP of Black Pepper
Oil for deep frying
500g Rump Steak - cut into thin strips
4 TBLSP of Dark Soy Sauce
1 TBLSP of Rice Vinegar
1/2 TBLSP of Rice Wine
2 TBLSP of Clear Honey
7 TBLSP of Granulated Sugar
1 Red Chili - de-seeded and finely chopped
4 TBLSP of Water
3 TBLSP of Fresh Finely Chopped Ginger
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 Medium Onion - finely chopped
1 Red or Green Pepper, de-seeded and chopped into small pieces


Heat oil ready for deep frying

Put steak strips in a large bowl and add a little oil and mix well.

In a large bowl, mix the cornflour, salt and pepper together, and mix well. Put the steak strips in and coat well

Deep fry the coated strips in batches - this takes seconds so keep a close eye on them, remove, drain and set aside

In another bow, combine the soy sauce, rice vinegar, rice wine, honey, sugar and water. Mix well and set aside

Heat a deep frying pan and add some olive oil for frying, add the onion, peppers, chopped chili and ginger and fry over a high heat for 3 minutes stirring constantly. Add the sauce and cook for another 30 seconds, then add the cooked beef strips and heat through and coat with the sauce.

Serve with noodles or rice.


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