Tuesday 6 November 2012

Steak and Ale Pie

A great winter warmer, this pie takes a bit of time to make, but it is worth it. Make the pie filling the day before, and it will taste even better.


450g Stewing Steak
5-6 White Mushrooms - quartered
2 Medium Onions - finely sliced
1 Carrot - chopped into small cubes
1 bottle of Ale - I am using Black Sheep Ale
1 Beef Stock Cube
3 TBLSP of plain Flour
Salt and Pepper
8 TBLSP of Olive Oil
300g Plain Flour
150g of butter
Small cup of water
Milk for glazing the pie


  • Trim the meat of any excess fat and cut into cubes
  • In a bowl, add the flour and salt and pepper - mix well. Add the meat and cover in the flour
  • In a large pan, add 4 TBLSP of olive oil and heat gently, add the meat and cook until the outside is brown
  • Once meat is brown remove from the pan and set aside
  • Add the remaining oil to the pan, add the onions, carrots and mushrooms, cover with a lid and place on a low heat for 20 minutes - stirring occasionally
  • After 20 minutes, return the meat to the pan, add the ale, beef stock cube and a little water if required to just cover the meat and vegetables
  • Bring the pan to boil, then transfer onto a very low heat, and let simmer for 3 hours with the lid on, stirring occasionally 
  • For the last half hour, transfer the pan to a higher heat and remove lid, reduce the liquid, stirring constantly to prevent the contents sticking, until you are left with a thick rich filling
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if required with salt and pepper
  • Set the pie filling aside and leave to cool
  • Make the pastry - for method see Basic Shortcrust Pastry
  • Roll 3/4 of the pastry out and line your chosen pie dish, and trim any excess from the sides
  • Fill the lined pie dish with the filling
  • Brush the pastry edge with a small amount of milk
  • Roll out the remaining pastry and place over the pie, trim excess and crimp the edges
  • Make a couple of small holes in the pie lid with a sharp knife and glaze with milk
  • Heat oven to 220 Degree's C and bake for 40-45 minutes

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