Monday 5 November 2012

Sweet and Salty Chicken

We have a problem in our house at the moment, after 12 years are fridge/freezer is on it's last legs. So we are trying to use up what we have left. So with three small chicken breasts hidden at the back of the freezer, a search on the internet came up with the following simple recipe sweet and salty chicken - I have added the spring onions and chilies to the original recipe, and left out the pancake which is in the original recipe.


3 chicken breasts - cut into small mouth sized cubes
6 TBSLP of Soy Sauce
6 TBLSP of Oyster Sauce
6 TBLSP of Water
Bunch of spring onions - chopped
1 green chili finely chopped
2 TBLSP of oil for frying


  • In a jug - mix together the soy sauce, oyster sauce and water
  • In a frying pan - add the oil - and heat
  • Add the chicken and fry until cooked and lightly browned
  • Add the chilies and spring onions and fry with the chciek for 30 seconds
  • Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce and water mix to the chicken and cook until the sauce thicken

Serve with boiled rice

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