Thursday 24 January 2013

Rye Bread


250g of Rye Flour
250g of strong white bread flour
1 TBLSP of Olive Oil
7g of dried yeast
1 TSP of Sugar
1 1/2 TSP of Salt
300ml of warm water (2 parts cold to one part hot)


  • In a bowl measure 250g of Rye Flour and 250g of Strong white bread flour, and mix well
  • Add the Olive Oil and mix well
  • Add the yeast, sugar and salt and mix well
  • Add the water and mix well, then turn out onto a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes
The Kneaded bread

  • Place the kneaded dough back into the bowl, and cover with greased cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in size

The covered bread ready for the first rising

  • After about an hour to an hour and a half the dough should have risen, remove the cling film and knock back
The risen bread dough
The knocked back bread dough
  • Turn the knocked back dough onto a floured service and knead again for 5 minutes, grease a loaf tin and place the formed dough into the loaf tin, cover with cling film and leave to rise again for a second time

The bread dough ready for the second rising

  • Whilst waiting for the second rising (approx 30 minutes), pre-heat the oven to 230 Degree C 
The risen dough ready for baking

  • Place the tin in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 200 Degree's c and bake for a further 15-20 minutes
  • Turn out onto a wire rack and allow to cool
The finished bread

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Steak and Ale Pie

A great winter warmer, this pie takes a bit of time to make, but it is worth it. Make the pie filling the day before, and it will taste even better.


450g Stewing Steak
5-6 White Mushrooms - quartered
2 Medium Onions - finely sliced
1 Carrot - chopped into small cubes
1 bottle of Ale - I am using Black Sheep Ale
1 Beef Stock Cube
3 TBLSP of plain Flour
Salt and Pepper
8 TBLSP of Olive Oil
300g Plain Flour
150g of butter
Small cup of water
Milk for glazing the pie


  • Trim the meat of any excess fat and cut into cubes
  • In a bowl, add the flour and salt and pepper - mix well. Add the meat and cover in the flour
  • In a large pan, add 4 TBLSP of olive oil and heat gently, add the meat and cook until the outside is brown
  • Once meat is brown remove from the pan and set aside
  • Add the remaining oil to the pan, add the onions, carrots and mushrooms, cover with a lid and place on a low heat for 20 minutes - stirring occasionally
  • After 20 minutes, return the meat to the pan, add the ale, beef stock cube and a little water if required to just cover the meat and vegetables
  • Bring the pan to boil, then transfer onto a very low heat, and let simmer for 3 hours with the lid on, stirring occasionally 
  • For the last half hour, transfer the pan to a higher heat and remove lid, reduce the liquid, stirring constantly to prevent the contents sticking, until you are left with a thick rich filling
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if required with salt and pepper
  • Set the pie filling aside and leave to cool
  • Make the pastry - for method see Basic Shortcrust Pastry
  • Roll 3/4 of the pastry out and line your chosen pie dish, and trim any excess from the sides
  • Fill the lined pie dish with the filling
  • Brush the pastry edge with a small amount of milk
  • Roll out the remaining pastry and place over the pie, trim excess and crimp the edges
  • Make a couple of small holes in the pie lid with a sharp knife and glaze with milk
  • Heat oven to 220 Degree's C and bake for 40-45 minutes

Monday 5 November 2012

Sweet and Salty Chicken

We have a problem in our house at the moment, after 12 years are fridge/freezer is on it's last legs. So we are trying to use up what we have left. So with three small chicken breasts hidden at the back of the freezer, a search on the internet came up with the following simple recipe sweet and salty chicken - I have added the spring onions and chilies to the original recipe, and left out the pancake which is in the original recipe.


3 chicken breasts - cut into small mouth sized cubes
6 TBSLP of Soy Sauce
6 TBLSP of Oyster Sauce
6 TBLSP of Water
Bunch of spring onions - chopped
1 green chili finely chopped
2 TBLSP of oil for frying


  • In a jug - mix together the soy sauce, oyster sauce and water
  • In a frying pan - add the oil - and heat
  • Add the chicken and fry until cooked and lightly browned
  • Add the chilies and spring onions and fry with the chciek for 30 seconds
  • Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce and water mix to the chicken and cook until the sauce thicken

Serve with boiled rice

Friday 2 November 2012

Chinese Crispy Beef

 It has been a while since I posted anything new in this blog, mainly because the household has been a bit busy. However, it is time to start cooking in earnest again. I spend a lot of time on the internet looking at recipes, every once in a while a recipe jumps out that is so simple and delicious that you just have to try it, and this was the case for Chinese Crispy Beef that I found. This is so simple and delicious.


4 TBLSP of Cornflour
1 TSP of Salt
1 TSP of Black Pepper
Oil for deep frying
500g Rump Steak - cut into thin strips
4 TBLSP of Dark Soy Sauce
1 TBLSP of Rice Vinegar
1/2 TBLSP of Rice Wine
2 TBLSP of Clear Honey
7 TBLSP of Granulated Sugar
1 Red Chili - de-seeded and finely chopped
4 TBLSP of Water
3 TBLSP of Fresh Finely Chopped Ginger
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 Medium Onion - finely chopped
1 Red or Green Pepper, de-seeded and chopped into small pieces


Heat oil ready for deep frying

Put steak strips in a large bowl and add a little oil and mix well.

In a large bowl, mix the cornflour, salt and pepper together, and mix well. Put the steak strips in and coat well

Deep fry the coated strips in batches - this takes seconds so keep a close eye on them, remove, drain and set aside

In another bow, combine the soy sauce, rice vinegar, rice wine, honey, sugar and water. Mix well and set aside

Heat a deep frying pan and add some olive oil for frying, add the onion, peppers, chopped chili and ginger and fry over a high heat for 3 minutes stirring constantly. Add the sauce and cook for another 30 seconds, then add the cooked beef strips and heat through and coat with the sauce.

Serve with noodles or rice.


Thursday 9 August 2012

Chorizo Chicken One Pot Meal

I have not uploaded a new recipe for a while, mainly because we are still living on food I have already made and frozen. The house or should I say the freezer is now at the stage where the prepared food is nearly at an end, so it is time to start cooking again.

Looking on the Internet last night, I stumbled upon a recipe, that ticked all my boxes, but the reviews were not fantastic, mainly because of the fat content and the sauce. Not been put off - as these things are easily fixed, I have decided to give it a go for tonight. The recipe is slightly altered, the original one can be found at

The main differences between the above recipe and below is the addition of garlic, the dish is also done one the hob - so I can reduce the sauce easily before serving.

Serves 2


1 TBLSP of oil
1 Large Onion - thinly sliced
115g of Chorizo thickly sliced
2 red peppers - deseeded and cut into chunks
1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1 chicken stock cube
1 TSP of dried chilli flakes
1 TSP of dried Oregano
6 Boneless chicken thighs
4 cloves of garlic - minced
3/4 Pint of Water

  • In a large pan, add the oil and heat gently, fry the onions until soft and starting to colour. Stirring occasionally so the onions do not catch
  • Add the Chorizo, Peppers and garlic and cook for a 3 to 4 minutes
  • Add the chilli and oregano and mix well
  • Add the tomatoes, water and stock cube
  • Place the chicken in the pan and under the liquid, bring to the boil and simmer on a low heat for 1 1/2 hour with the lid on stirring occasionally
  • Now you have an option, you can either remove the lid and reduce the sauce or you can add 3 TSP of cornflour mixed with a little water and stir in and simmer for 10 mins stirring
  • Serve in bowls with fresh crispy bread
Any liquid left over save and serve as a soup for a lunch time treat.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Minced Beef Onions and Mushrooms with Dumplings

Looking in the fridge last night, I saw that we needed to use some vegetables up, so I went back to my childhood - minced beef onions and mushrooms with dumplings, we used to have this every Saturday, although the portion size triple what I am going to out line here.

You can serve the minced beef and dumplings with whatever you want, I am doing new potatoes, carrots and green beans.

 Serves 2
Approx cost - £1.50p


  • 250g of Onions, finely chopped
  • 180g of mushrooms finely chopped
  • 270g of minced beef
  • 1 pint of beef stock
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 TBLSP of Worcester Sauce
  • 2 heaped TSP of cornflour
  • Cold water
  • 125g of self raising flour
  • 65g of cold butter grated
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 TSP mixed herbs
  • Add a little olive oil to a large pan
  • Gently fry the onions until soft and slightly brown
  • Add the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes
  • Add the mince to the pan, mix well and brown
  • Add the stock, salt and pepper and Worcester sauce
  • Bring to boil
  • Cover and simmer for 25 minutes
  • In a cup add the cornflour and a little cold water and mix
  • Add to the pan
  • Turn up the heat to medium and cook for a further 15 minutes with the lid off, stirring
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if required
Now I like my dumplings crispy, but if you prefer you can add the dumplings direct to the meat and cover and simmer for 30 minutes, however the dumplings are being finished off in the oven, in the instructions below.
  • Put your flour into a mixing bowl
  • Add the grated butter
  • Add a pinch of salt and pepper and mixed herbs
  • Using your fingers, gently rub the butter into the flour until it begins to resemble bread crumbs
  • Add a bit of cold water to help bind it into a dough
  • Divide the dough into 12 pieces and gently roll each into a round dumpling.
  • Place the dumplings on top of your fully cooked stew and press down lightly so that they’re half submerged
  • Transfer the meat mix to a casserole dish and cook in a pre heated oven at 220 Degree C with the lid on for 1 hours
  • After 1 hour add the dumplings and cook for 10 minutes with the lid on, remove the lid for last 20 minutes
Serve with your choice of veg and enjoy !!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Home Made Pizza

Home made pizza is far better than anything you get from the takeaway, it is cheaper, you can control what goes into it, and you can make extra dough and sauce and freeze it so you always have a ready supply of delicious home made pizza.

After I first made home made pizza, that was it I was a convert, never again would I buy a pizza from a takeaway or a shop.

The cooked pizza

This post will show the stages of making the sauce, the dough and the resulting pizza.

This will make four large pizza's.

Making the Dough


  • 500g strong bread flour (although you can also use plain flour)
  • 11/2 TSP sugar
  • 8g of dried yeast
  • 3/4 TSP of salt
  • 300 ml of lukewarm water (2 parts cold to one part boiling)
  • 1 1/4 TBLSP of olive oil


  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in the water (Fig 1), stir well and leave for 20 minutes (Fig 2) - Note if the yeast has not frothed up it has not activated, either because it is old or dead, by activating the yeast in water first you have lost nothing but time, just start this step again with another batch of yeast, sugar and water
Fig 1. The yeast added to the water and sugar

Fig 2. The yeast after 20 minutes

  • Sift the flour, add the olive oil, salt and the yeast and water
  • Knead well for 10 minutes
Fig 3. The kneaded dough before allowing to rise

  • Let it sit for 1 hour (Fig 4)
  • Knock it back until the air is removed (Fig 5)
  • Knead again for 3 minutes
  • Divide into four portions * (Fig 6)
 * If you are freezing the dough this is the stage to do it. Cut into portions, wrap loosely in cling film and store in freezer bags. To defrost either leave in the fridge overnight or on a work bench for three hours, knead briefly, roll and use.

Fig 4. The risen dough after an hour

Fig 5. The risen dough knocked back

Fig 6 - The dough divided into portions

Making the Tomato Sauce


  • 400g chopped tomatoes
  • 1 1/2 TSP of dried basil
  • 1 TBLSP of Oregano
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • 3 Cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1 TBSLP of oil for frying


  • In a pan, fry the garlic and onions until soft
  • Add all the other ingredients bring to boil and then simmer on a very low heat with lid off for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally (Fig 7). What you are after is most of the water to be evaporated, so you will end up with a thick paste after blending
Fig 7. The tomato sauce simmering

  • Put into a blender and blend until smooth (Fig 8)
Fig 8 - The blended tomato sauce

  • Taste and adjust seasoning if required
  • Leave to cool
  • Divide into portions in tubs, the sauce can then be frozen for later use if required

As you can see if it worth making double the amount so you always have a supply of pizza in the freezer.

Before you start to assemble, you need to turn your oven on as high as it will go, for at least 30 minutes, before you are ready to bake your pizza.

On my pizza today I am having bacon as I had to use it up today (which I have already cooked and mozzarella cheese, but you could easily just use cheddar). Do not over do the topping otherwise your pizza will be soggy.

  • Roll out the pastry on a floured surface
  • Place on a baking tray lightly dusted with flour
  • Spread the tomato sauce on top of the dough
  • Add your toppings
The prepared pizza ready for baking

  • Put in the oven and bake for 12 minutes
The cooked pizza

Enjoy !!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Singapore Vermicelli

This recipe is adpated from to make use of things I already had to hand, I already had some rice noodles that I got quiet a while back. This is absolutely lovely, and far far better than I have ever had from the local takeaway.

Singapore Vermicelli

Serves 2 as a main meal
Approx cost - £2.20p

  • 150g Rice Vermicelli Noodles
  • Vegetable oil
  • 2 Chicken Breasts cut into thin strips
  • 3 Garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 onion, cut into thin half moons
  • 2cm piece of ginger, grated
  • 3 TSP of curry powder
  • 1 TSP of turmeric
  • 4 TBLSP of soy sauce
  • 2 Chillies finely chopped

  • Trim the chicken breasts and cut into thin strips, place in a bowl, add a little oil and rub over the chicken (this just stops the chicken sticking to each other), and set aside
  • Prepare the Garlic, Onion and Ginger and Chillies
  • Soak the noodles following the packet instructions and drain and set aside
  • Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken until it is browned and just cooked through, and set aside
  • Add a little oil to the frying pan and fry the garlic and ginger until light brown. Add the onion and cook until just beginning to soften
  • Add the chillies and cook for one minute
  • Return the chicken to the pan and add the curry powder and turmeric and cook for a minute.
  • Add the noodles and about 2 tbsp water and toss everything together.
  • Add the soy sauce and cook for a further 2 minutes
Serve and Enjoy !!!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Yorkshire puddings

The resulting Yorkshire puddings

As a welcome home tea for my wife we are having a roast chicken dinner tonight, whilst I don't intend to show how to make the full roast, I thought I would demonstrate how to make wonderful Yorkshire Puddings, something that is so easy but people seem to struggle to get consistent results.

You can buy ready made Yorkshire puddings in the shops, but compare mine to shop bought ones.

What are the secrets to Yorkshire puddings
  • getting plenty of air into the mix (I find the easiest way to do this is with an electric blender, although a good old fashioned whisk will still work)
  • ensuring that the oven and the oil are hot when you place the batter into the tin,
  • The golden number one rule is do not open the door during cooking
You can make more - simply double the recipe, they store well in the freezer and only take a few minutes to heat back through in the oven. I tend to make a few batches ahead of a meal as I have a single oven and they hog an entire shelf for a good amount of time, then all I have to do is put them in to warm through as I am dishing up the meal.


  • 1 Egg
  • 3 FL Oz of milk
  • 2 FL Oz of water
  • 87g of plain flour
  • Salt and pepper
  • oil


  • Pre heat oven to 220 Degree's C
  • Take a muffin tin/pudding tin place oil in compartments until it covers the bottom
  • Sieve flour in a mixing bowl
  • Make a well in the centre of the flour
  • Break the egg into the bowl and add salt and pepper
  • With a spoon mix until the mixture becomes stiff
  • Gradually add the milk and water and continue stirring until you have used all the liquid
  • Now take your blender (preferably electric) and switch on, and blend to get air into the mixture, alternatively whisk like mad
  • Add the mixture to the tin and cook for 40 Minutes
The fat in the well used tin

The flour, eggs, salt and pepper ready for mixing

The flour, Egg, Salt and pepper mixed to a stiff paste
The milk and water gradually being mixed in

All the milk and water mixed in
lending to get lots of air in

The resulting Yorkshire puddings

Friday 13 July 2012

Chicken Fried Rice

There is only me to cook for this weekend, the wife has gone to sunnier climes on a Hen weekend, whilst I remain here in the rain decorating. There is no picture today as the camera is with my wife in sunnier climes and the laptop will not discover my phone

Cost - Approx £1.00
serves 1


  • 200g of chilled boiled rice
  • 1 Chicken Breast - cut into small pieces
  • 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 5 closed cap mushrooms finely chopped
  • 1 small chili finely chopped
  • 2 TBLSP of Soy Sauce
  • 1 TBLSP of rice wine vinegar
  • 1 TSP of Chinese Five Spice
  • 3 TBLSP of oil for frying


  • Trim the chicken of any fat and cut into small pieces
  • Heat 1 TBLSP of oil in a frying pan, and over a high heat cook the chicken through
  • Add the mushrooms, garlic, five spice and chillies and cook on a high heat for 1 minute
  • Add the remaining oil and heat, then add the rice and the soy sauce and rice wine vinegar and cook through until pipping hot, stirring all the time

Thursday 12 July 2012

Cheap Spaghetti Bolognese

This is one of the most simplest recipes, and once you have chopped the vegetables and browned the meat it basically cooks itself.

Approx cost - £1.50p
Serves 4 people

  • 2 TBSLP of oil
  • 270 g of Minced Beef
  • 100g of mushrooms finely chopped
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 1 carrot finely grated
  • 2 cloves of garlic - minced
  • 3/4 pint of beef stock
  • 4 TBLSP of tomato puree
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • Salt and pepper
  • Spaghetti


  • Heat oil in a large pan
  • Add the onion, carrot, mushrooms and garlic and cook gently for 4 minutes
  • Add the minced beef and stir in well and brown
  • Add the tomato puree and stir in
  • Add the beef stock and bay leaf, stir well
  • Bring to the pan to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer gently with the lid on for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally
  • Taste and if required add salt and pepper to taste
  • Remove lid and reduce the sauce until it starts to thicken
  • remove the bay leaf
  • Serve with Spaghetti with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top and enjoy !

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Simple Cauliflower Cheese with Bacon

My wife loves Cauliflower Cheese, and with bacon added it is a sure winner every time.

Serves 4
Cost - Approx £1.11p per portion *

*Note it is the bacon that drove up the cost of this simple dish otherwise it would have been approx £0.61p per portion


1 Large Cauliflower
6 Rashers of bacon
1 pint of milk
50g of plain flour
50g of butter
126g of Cheddar cheese


  • In a frying pan, add a little oil, and cook the bacon until well done but not to crispy, set aside to cool **
  • Once cool, remove any rind still soft and discard and cut the bacon into small pieces, and set aside
  • Next take you cauliflower and give it a wash then remove the leaves and cut the florets up into mouth size pieces, discarding the large hard stem in the middle
  • Fill the pan with cold water and place on a high heat to bring it to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes then drain the cooked cauliflower
  • Add the bacon to the cauliflower and mix well
  • Place contents into a large oven proof dish
  • For the sauce, add the butter to a pan and melt on a medium heat, once melted, add the flour and stir in well, and cook on a low heat for 1 minute
  • Remove from the heat and gradually add the milk, one bit at a time, and stir into the butter and flour paste, once all the milk is added return to a medium heat and heat up stirring all the time until the sauce thickens
  • Add half the cheese to the pan and stir until melted in, then pour over the cauliflower and bacon
  • Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven at 220 Degree C for 50 minutes
** Whilst the world is all about healthy eating, I do have one pleasure, do not throw away the bacon fat from the frying pan, use it for beautiful fried bread or try adding it to mashed potato

The cooked bacon
The chopped bacon
The cooked cauliflower and bacon mixed and in the dish
The butter and flour mixed and cooked through
Adding the mix gradually
The sauce after adding a bit more milk
The finished cheese sauce
The Cauliflower cheese and bacon ready for cooking

    Tuesday 10 July 2012

    Deep Fried Crispy Chicken Bites and Mushroom Fried Rice

    The Finished Meal


    • 450g of Chicken
    • 5 TBLSP of cornflour
    • 1 TBLSP of oil
    • Oil for deep frying
    • 3 TBLSP of oil for frying the rice
    • 1 TSP of ground white pepper
    • 500g of chilled cooked long grain rice
    • 2 TSP of Chinese Five Spice
    • 1 Chile deseeded and finely chopped
    • 3 TBLSP of soy sauce
    • 100g of closed cup mushrooms finely chopped
    • Sweet Chillies sauce to dip

    • Heat the oil in the pan used for deep frying, also pre-heat the oven to 160 Degree's C to keep the chicken warm whilst cooking in batches
    • Trim the chicken of any fat and cut into bite sized pieces
    • Add the 1 TBLSP of oil to the chopped chicken and mix well
    • Add the pepper to the chopped chicken and mix well
    • Add 3 TBLSP of the cornflour to the chicken and mix well to cover the chicken
    • Just before frying the chicken add the rest of the cornflour and mix well
    • Add the chicken in batches and deep fry until golden brown and the chicken cooked through
    • Remove and keep warm in the oven on the grill rack
    • Heat 1 TBLSP of oil in frying pan
    • Add the chopped mushroom and the Chinese Five Spice powder and fry on a high heat for 2 minutes
    • Add the chillies and fry for another minute
    • Add the rest of the oil
    • Add the rice and stir well
    • Add the soy sauce and stir well to coat the grains of rice, moving the rice all the time, until the rice is cooked through and hot
    • Serve with a sweet Chile sauce dip and enjoy !

    Monday 9 July 2012

    Meatballs in Rich Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti

    If my wife see's me take minced beef come out of the freezer, the first thing she asks is are we having meatballs, and once cooked, she counts how many go on each plate to make sure we have an equal amount.

    The finished meal

    Cost - Approx £1.30p per person
    Serves 2

    • 425g of beef mince meat
    • 1 egg
    • 1 TSP of Dried Basil
    • 1 TSP of ground black pepper
    • 1 TSP of Marjoram
    • 1 TSP of Onion Granules
    • 1 TSP of Garlic Powder
    • 4 TBLSP of breadcrumbs
    • 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
    • 4 Cloves of garlic - minced
    • 150g of spaghetti
    • 1 tsp of ground black pepper
    • 2 tsp of Parsley
    Method for the meatball:
    • Combine the first 8 ingredients ingredients in a large bowl and with your hand mix well
    • Take a piece of the mix and roll it in the palm of your hands to form small balls
    • Place balls on a plate and set aside
    • When ready to cook, add some oil to a frying pan, and place the meatballs into the pan, and cook, turning regularly
    Method for the sauce:
    • In a pan add the tomatoes, pepper, garlic and Parsley
    • Bring to the boil and on a low to medium heat reduce, stirring occasionally for 15-20 minutes
    • Place in a blend and blend smooth
    • Set aside
    Method for Spaghetti:
    • Cook spaghetti as per pack instructions
    To assemble the meal:
    • Heat the tomato sauce
    • Drain the pasta and add the tomato sauce to the pan of Spaghetti
    • Mix well
    • Turn onto plates
    • Add meatballs
    • Serve with pecorino/Parmesan cheese
      The prepared meatballs

    Th blended tomato sauce
    The meatballs cooking

    The finished meal

    Leek and Spring Onion Cheese Flan

    I have a few items in the fridge I need to use up before they turn, so what better way than to create a lovely flan, that can be used as part of a main meal or as lunch.

    Cost - Approx £1.50
    Serves - 4

    The cooked flan


    Shortcrust pastry as per previous blog
    2 leeks - trimmed, washed and sliced
    2 bunches of spring onions - trimmed, washed and sliced
    1 TBLSP of butter
    80g of Cheddar cheese - grated
    2 eggs
    150ML of milk
    Salt and pepper


    • First make the shortcrust pastry as per previous blog, for this recipe I used full fat - Trex, rather than butter
    • Roll out the pastry on a sheet of baking paper and line the flan tin
    • Put the flan tin in the fridge for 30 minutes, then remove and trim the excess pastry
    • Heat the oven to 200 Degree C
    • Line the bottom of the flan with baking paper and add some baking stones or I use chick peas on the bottom of the flan and bake the pastry for 15 minutes
    • Remove from oven and remove the chick peas and the baking paper, and set aside
    • Take a large pan and add the butter, and melt, then add the leeks and put the lid on the pan and over a low heat sweat the leeks until very soft, stirring occasionally
    • Once the leeks are soft add the spring onions and sweat for a further 5 minutes with the lid of the pan removed
    • Add salt and pepper to the leeks and spring onions to taste
    • To the flan tin, add half the cheese on the bottom and add the leek and spring onion mix
    • whisk together the eggs and milk and pour into the flan tin
    • Add the remaining cheese to the top
    • Bake in the oven at 220 Degree C for 40 minutes
    • Allow to cool on a wire rack
    Enjoy !

    Leeks and Spring Onions

    The chopped leeks

    The chopped spring onions

    The sweated leeks and spring onions

    The flan tine lined and trimmed ready for blind baking

    The flan tin ready for blind baking - to remove the chick peas just gather up the four corners of the paper and lift out

    The flan vase filled and ready for baking

    The cooked flan